Sunday, May 9, 2010

My New Camera for Mother's Day!!

Jared got me a new camera for mothers day and I took a ton of pictures today so here are few. So I hope to post more now that I have a fun new toy to help me!!

William got his first teeth! I don' t know if you can see them very well.

Edward likes to make everything in to a hat and these are his favorite glasses.


Lisa said...

YAY! I LOVE IT! That looks like it must be a nice camera, those pictures look AWESOME! And yes, those boys are gigantic!!! How cute are they! I was to see more of your house, keep snapping away!!! Love you!
( I just realize the inordinate amount of exclamtion points! I am THAT excited about your post!)

Alisha Chase said...

I love your new post!! Your boys are growing up so fast!! They are adorable. I love the update! Yahoo for a fun new toy and many more adventures to be posted!

PS I love the new little teeth they are so cute!

Ami Stokes said...

Wow, those are super-good looking pictures! Don't ya just luv Mother's day!?! I am looking forward to more pics and posts due to this new toy of yours;)
Love & miss your gutz Becks!
P.S. I have few good pics of our trip out there that I will e-mail u!